
Since I first getting into LLM integrated within App development, I’ve been mainly using logger for tracing (e.g. to keep track of module processed logs) and debugging. More recently, I tried looking into platforms that might make LLM code development more seamless. LangSmith was the first brought to my attention as I’ve been using Langchain in most of my usecases. LangSmith is developed as a Platform to support DevOps by Langchain. We can look for detail capabilities of LangSmith here, but at high-level, it offers tracing, evaluation, and prompt management for LangChain (I’ve tried and will give an example below) or other LLM framework (To be tried).

Below, I’d document some notes how to get started with LangSmith.

Pre-requisite and setup

  • Steps by steps guide can be found here.

  • For personal use, I setup a LangSmith account linking to my github account. After that, we’d see the following screen.

  • LangSmith started charging more recently, and it’s pricing model for non-personal account can be found here. There are alternative open-sourced tools (e.g. Langfuse) that I will share in another future post.

  • I then created my LangSmith API keys elect “Settings”. Use this API key for the env variable LANGCHAIN_API_KEY.

If you’re using Langchain

  • No additional specification is needed once the environment variable is all set. For example, if running the below Langchain example:
from langchain_community.llms import Ollama
from langchain_community.chat_models import ChatOllama
from langchain_core.messages import HumanMessage

llm = Ollama(model="llama2")
chat_model = ChatOllama()

text = "What would be a good time to eat lunch?"
messages = [HumanMessage(content=text)]

  • We’d found the running under the default project if without specifying:

  • And We’d be able to see this execution logged on LangSmith. This supports us keep track of the input, output, latency, number of tokens, cost and more.

  • Multiple executions under the same project can be tracked, which can used as a dashboard to support debugging for data scientists.

  • More “how-tos” can be found here.